Category — Do-It-Yourself Parenting
I Love Them There Babies
November 28, 2012 No Comments
From Fatherless To Fatherhood
Check out a sneak peak of the upcoming docu/series From Fatherless To Fatherhood. The Kobie Chronicles will be featuring today’s fathers and getting their perspectives on what fatherhood means to them. I and the girls will be one of the featured families. Should be fun.
January 18, 2011 1 Comment
Girls, Scales and Calories
August 15, 2010 1 Comment
The Miseducation of Jack and Jill
It’s been a minute since we first learned of T-One’s fate regarding SOMA school district’s gifted and talented program. Since then, there hasn’t been much movement on getting her into the classes. We have gone through the proper channels but the administration has been, shall we say, slow to respond. Although we finally have a meeting with the Assistant Superintendent, our patience is already thin.
In the last few weeks we have sent a few letters, made a few phone calls, paid a couple of visits and talked to other parents. What we discovered is we are not the only parents upset about how our district identifies and addresses the needs of children. At least one lawsuit has been threatened. We also discovered a heavy layer of lip service in regards to closing the well publicized achievement gap in the district. It is the district’s alleged number one priority but all that has been done is putting together a 50+ member panel to “make recommendations”. Seriously? C’mon. [Read more →]
February 2, 2010 5 Comments
Save Her Brain

Me, Thing One, Maria and Coach Bill$
I read an article in the Wall Street Journal called This Is Your Brain Without Dad. Scientists studied rodents called degus whose brains react similarly to humans’ brains to environmental stimuli. These scientists attempted to observe what happens when fathers are taken out of the picture. And the verdict was:
- When deprived of their father, the degu pups exhibit both short- and long-term changes in nerve-cell growth in different regions of the brain.
- Their preliminary analysis indicates that fatherless degu pups exhibit more aggressive and impulsive behavior than pups raised by two parents.
In other words when degus where deprived of their fathers care (licking, preening, snuggling) the degus suffered brain damage. The study also showed short absences of fathers away from pups was less damaging than long or permanent absences. The study also goes on to say that the pups continued this brain damaged state into adulthood. I will let you read the article to get the explanation as to the science-y reasons any of this happens.
It got me to thinking, am I causing my kids brain damage? I’ve tried my best to form my schedule where I can spend as much time with the babies as possible. To a degree, I’m successful but not without a lot of sacrafice in other areas of my life. But even with that effort my non-parenting obligations simply don’t neatly conform to a court ordered 50/50 custody schedule.
Inevitably, I’m spending guilt-filled time away from the babies. Although the babies are much better off than most children of split marriages/relationships in that they see both of their parents consistently and frequently, it’s still not ideal. The article was a swift reminder I need to be diligent in carving out time with the girls, both quality and quantity. There are a few things I try to do and would suggest for any parent, especially parents who do not live with the children 100% of the time:
Choose your companion well. Eddie Murphy once joked the secret to relationship happiness is finding someone as f’d up as you and settling down. [Read more →]
November 20, 2009 3 Comments
Yes, Your Kids Will Be Messed Up
Author Michael Lewis tells us how it’s inevitable that we will mess our kids up, no matter what we do.
June 4, 2009 No Comments