25 Random Things… The BPC Version
Flickr by lilybdcsa
I thought I’d take this “25 Random Things…” meme I’ve been getting from a bunch of my friends and put a BPC twist on it.
- When Chocolate Thunda (my 3-year-old daughter) curses like a sailor (so far it’s just “sh#t” and “f*ck”) I have to hide my face in a pillow or look away because it’s hilarious to me.
- Being called “Dad” or “Daddy” is about the best thing in life I can think of but hearing it 30 times in less than 5 minutes makes me want to pull my hair out… what’s left of it.
- I know all the Top 40 hits because I can’t listen to hip-hop in my car anymore.
- Thing One (my 8-year-old daughter) was being followed by two boys, probably about 10-years-old each, on bikes the end of last summer while the two of us were walking to a movie. I finally asked what they wanted, one got scared and rode away and the other said quickly and loudly to my daughter “You have pretty hair!” Then he high-tailed it. They must have seen the steam coming from my ears. NOT UNTIL SHE’S 21 PUNKS!!!
- I don’t believe in spanking but I raise my voice way too often.
- I hate playdates!
- T-One is smarter (and tougher) than me and C-Thunda is tougher (and smarter) than me.
- I have cried more since I turned 30 years-old than I did in the 30 years prior to that. Having daughters will make you sensitive.
- Sons are so overrated. “Sigh”.
- My stomach aches when they go back to their mom’s on her visitation time.
- I know how to wash, condition, wet-set, braid, cornrow, flatten and curl.
- I wish my daughters liked me as much as they like Blooregard Q. Kazoo.
February 4, 2009 17 Comments