The “White” Wiz
A few weekends ago when I had run out of activities for the girls and I to partake in together, I passed the local high school on the way home from swimming lessons. The drama department was putting on a production of The Wiz. The Babies must have seen the movie starring Diana Ross, Michael Jackson and Nipsy Russell about 30 times with their mom. Not the greatest movie but hey, they love it. (I saw the Broadway musical for my fifth birthday and I still remember how awesome it was.) Now I don’t keep a running tally of their cinematic viewings. These numbers are more guesses gauged from how well The Babies know the theme songs of movies and how often they sing them in the car or the bathtub. The only thing in heaver rotation than “He’s The Wizard!” right now is “It’s A Hard Knocked Life” from the Annie movie. Maybe they’ve seen Annie 40 times.
After seeing the sign for the play, I thought beautiful! I had mentally killed another few hours of entertaining the girls. I would just take them to see The Wiz. When I excitedly shouted to the girls, “Who wants to see The Wiz at the high school?”, C-Thunda predictably says, “Meeeeeeeee!!” But then T-One party-poopingly says, “Dad, you can’t take us. Mom is going to take us next week.” I must have given out a sigh of disappointment or something because C-Thunda immediately consoled me by letting me know I could take them both to see the “white” Wiz instead.
“The ‘white’ Wiz? Baby, what’s the ‘white’ Wiz?”
“You know. The one with the white people in it.”
“Ahhhhh.” [
April 7, 2009 8 Comments
Stephen Colbert Faces His Ablacknophobia
Attorney General Eric Holder issued a challenge to all Americans when he said we are a nation of cowards when it comes to discussing the issue of race. Stephen Colbert took on that challenge by facing his ablacknophobia and he conquered it. Well, almost. Hey, at least he attempted. If only we were all so brave. At least we are off to a good start at BPC.
March 2, 2009 3 Comments
…And I Hope They Burn In Hell!
The last time I wrote about movie fathers some of you responded with your opinions about who you thought should make the list. I have to say, great minds think a lot alike. A couple of you tagged some fathers that were on my top ten. So you know I just had to go back to the drawing board to see if I could shake things up with the list a little. After some thought it mostly remained the same. Some of these movies fathers had to make the list. There is no question about it. But I did through a few twists in there.
The last time we had, 10. John Quincy in John Q, 9. Bryan Mills in Taken, 8. Cleo McDowell in Coming to America, and 7. Furious Styles in Boyz in The Hood. This time around I’m going to give you two for one. I kind of wanted to finish my theme of intense, in your face, “break my foot off in your a – -” type fathers before I move on to the others. So here we go.
6 (tie). Carl Lee Hailey (Samuel Jackson), A Time to Kill and…
Oh, have you ever heard anyone say, you don’t mess with a man’s daughter? Well, you don’t. Trust me you don’t. If you do, one day you might come across someone like Carl Lee Hailey. Based on a John Grisham novel, in A Time to Kill (also suggested by E.Payne), Hailey was just an ordinary guy living an ordinary life. He kept his head low, tithed at church, went to work everyday and loved his family. That’s how he rolled. [Read more →]
March 1, 2009 7 Comments
Is Amy Holmes Straight Stupid?
When writing here I will try my best to resist the urge to speak about folks who disagree with me in a demeaning way. My mother always told me that if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all. Well in this instance I’m going to ignore mom’s advice, sort of. It’s not that I want to be mean or call names. In fact, I don’t think I’m doing that. I’m just bothered by a nagging question. I really can’t resist the urge to ask it.
Is Amy Holmes just straight stupid or is it just an act?
Apparently I’m not the only one with this question. If you go to Rick Sanchez’s blog on CNN many of the commentors question whether Amy is dumb, clueless (different than dumb) or just putting on a show. How could Amy not have seen the now imfamous cartoon in The New York Post as racist? And even if she didn’t, how could she have, with a straight face, come up with that cock-eyed defense of the cartoon. But let me not get ahead of myself.
February 24, 2009 32 Comments